Master The Art Of Public Speaking Classes for children and Teens

Basic & Advanced level

Free Trial Class

Confidence Building Sessions For Teens and Adults

Small Batches One to One Session

The Path To Proven Process For Success

Live interactive Zoom Sessions

Curated explicitly for children, the Every Child Can Achieve Now Public Speaking Classes help children get rid of their shyness and anxiety, express themselves better, and gain confidence.

We have all come across people who fear creepy crawlies (Arachnophobia), slithering serpents (Ophidiophobia), or those scared of heights (Acrophobia). But, have you come across Glossophobia? Alien term? Not quite. Glossophobia is the fear of public speaking. Sounds fine now, doesn’t it? It is so common a phobia that almost 75% of the world’s population suffers from it.

While some of us are pretty confident and comfortable speaking our minds out in groups or even amidst strangers, there are people out there who have skyrocketing anxiety about public speaking. You will be surprised to know that highly educated people with well-accomplished careers are also apprehensive when it comes to public speaking. The fear of stepping outside the comfort zone, fear of embarrassment in front of an unknown audience, and the discomfort of an unfamiliar situation paralyze them.

When public speaking can be so harrowing for adults, what about children? Is it common for children to experience the same level of anxiety?

Yes, even children have Glossophobia. Some level of nervousness is normal, but how will you distinguish it from anxiety that interferes with your child’s development? How will you know if your child does indeed have a fear of public speaking? Here is a quick checklist:

  • Is your child shy, quiet, and an introvert during conversations?
  • Do they speak very softly without looking into people’s eyes?
  • Do they avoid speaking in front of others or fumble and mumble and cannot find the right words?
  • Do they avoid answering in the classrooms, have immense stage fright?
  • Does he/she have difficulty making friends?

If yes, they need help. The earlier you notice your child needs that little nudge and push to open up, the better. It is easier to mold children when their minds are impressionable and malleable than when they become adults with rigid mindsets.

Public Speaking is a vital life skill that is, unfortunately, not a part of any school syllabus. Imagine this scenario. A child brilliant in studies lacks self-confidence, hesitates to speak up, express his/her thoughts, and goes unnoticed by the teachers. The child relegates himself to the background and does not get an opportunity to develop leadership qualities. While other children, though not academically forward, get better options because they are not afraid of speaking out. What happens then?

When children are afraid to speak, they will inevitably hesitate to clarify doubts. It is a massive setback in their academic careers and puts a dent in their overall confidence.

As parents, you want to help your child grow and bloom to their full potential. Take time to retrospect if your child needs that extra tender loving care to bring them out of the shell. So, start early to give them an edge over the rest in this hyper-competitive world.

public speaking

Set your worries aside; Every Child Can Achieve Now is here to make a difference.

Public speaking or oratory skill is a soft skill that requires excellent, effective, and efficient training in communication. Not everyone is a gifted persuasive orator. But every child can undoubtedly acquire this skill.

How you convey information or communication is an indispensable skill today. Just like adults require adequate public speaking skills to hold a conference, make presentations or speak in front of a large audience at the workplace; similarly, public speaking is an all-important skill for children, sharpening their critical thinking and communication skills. It can emphatically enhance their confidence.

Can YOUR CHILD learn or acquire this skill?

Absolutely yes, and we will show you how.

What is this Online Public Speaking Class all about?

The Every Child Can Achieve Now Online Public Speaking Classes create a success-oriented learning environment and employ a progressive approach to help children excel in communication and public speaking. With live interactive sessions online, the program is not a one size fits all. We understand that every child has their own pace, and our program is tailor-made and customized as per the individual’s abilities.

We create a learning environment that is vibrant and delightful. Through fun-filled activities, bubbly conversations, and animated energetic discussions and tasks, even the most silent and shy child opens up without hesitation, at their pace.

Encouraging the children through words and actions, we reiterate important feelings that convey, “I believe in you; I know you can do this, I trust you.” When they feel like an essential part of the whole, they blossom and open up to a whole new world of possibilities.

 In our online public speaking classes, we allow the children, through activities, to be the scriptwriter, director, and actor in their play. It is incredible how raising questions, exploring, and facing their fears opens up doors for them in areas they could never imagine.

 When you give wings to a child’s imagination, even a stick becomes a magic wand and a sock a puppet. They are more creative than the adults can ever be, all with unbridled enthusiasm.

 Through years of interaction with thousands of kids, it is a privilege to continue the tradition of excellence in education, creating an exemplary learning community. We are passionate about empowering and positively impacting children’s lives. By the end of the program, we have seen children express themselves without hesitation, converse confidently, and become champion speakers.

At Every Child Can Achieve Now, we transform their fear from Forget Everything and Run to Face Everything and Rise.

 What sets us apart?

Why do parents and kids alike love us, you ask? Well, we give them plentiful reasons to love us, the foremost being we love children. The Online Public Speaking Classes for kids program focuses on laying the foundation and building upon all the vital 21st-century skills, enabling children of today to become successful individuals of tomorrow.

Great Mentor/Personal Coach:

All the learning at ECCAN comes from real-life experiences and not from books and theories. With rich and qualified expertise of over 30 years, having worked with some of the most prestigious educational institutions and interacting with thousands of children, the trainer is passionate about not just molding children but unfolding their hidden talents. There is no greater reward in the world than inspiring young minds and watching parents witness the transformation, feeling overwhelmed with joy.

Virtual and Interactive Learning:

Virtual learning is as good as a classroom setting thanks to technology. No more travel to and fro to have your favorite weekend sessions. Just log in and enjoy the class, complete with interactions, activities, and tasks. The virtual courses with visual elements, lively interactions, and interesting discussions keep children engaged and attentive. The assignments help them implement what they learn, leading to better understanding.

Personalized Program:

We understand every child has their learning pace, and every child has different challenges to overcome. When every child learns differently, why teach them in a predefined standard way? We provide each student with a tailored experience, going at a convenient pace. We hold their hands and guide them through their journey, letting go when we know they can now achieve great heights. Our program has a unique design, such that we also support their academic journeys. The consistent feedback and inputs take personalization to a whole new level.

Friendly on Your Pocket:

Every Child Can Achieve Now delivers high-quality training with guaranteed results at very affordable prices. Reaching out to children worldwide and making a positive impact is our aim. Quality is our priority, and we provide value for the investment of trust you put into us.

Small Class Size:

Research proves students in small size classrooms show better success rates. We ensure a limited number of students per batch, creating a comfort zone for learning and risk-taking. We pay personal attention to every child providing them with equal opportunities, at least two times per session, to speak their minds and overcome their apprehensions.

Fringe Benefits:

Now, this is where the awesomeness kicks in. With our program, the children not just learn public speaking skills but also see an improvement in grades, language skills, grammar, and vocabulary. Though you enroll them to get rid of their shyness, our program is akin to an all-round personality development program, with kids outshining themselves.

ECCAN, changing lives, one student at a time.

What is in it for your child?

We have a unique curriculum that enables children to express themselves with confidence and coherence. We follow a dynamic syllabus with a practical and holistic approach in setting up the children for success, not just in the immediate present but for a bright future. In a rapidly changing world, it is imperative we help our children be future-ready.

Our carefully crafted, articulately designed curriculum consists of:


Learn to speak fluid sentences, allowing your thoughts to translate into a free-flowing gentle stream of uninterrupted words. In the mechanics of public speaking, fluency of speech is highly desirable and requires a great deal of practice. The obstacles to fluent speech are crutch/filler words “um,” “ah,” overuse of some common terms, and awkwardly long silences when you forget what you want to say. Practice helps manipulate all of these, resulting in fluent and confident speech. We incorporate this practice starting from a 2-minute speech going up to a 5-minute speech.


Clarity can make your speech effective or boring. It helps you organize your thoughts, choose the right words, express them in a logical sequence. Common obstacles to the clarity of speech are speaking fast or breaking words in a way that makes understanding difficult, mumbling, a quiet voice or voice drop when speaking, or an uncalled for accent. We train the children to overcome all of these subtle impediments and effectively deliver the intended message.


Pacing your words, knowing when to speak fast, when to slow everything down, and emphasizing words to get the meaning across to the audience is an excellent tool in public speaking. Most children are way too fast in their speech, in a hurry to finish the speech, and then some are painstakingly slow. We teach them that moderation is the key, with an emphasis on the right places. We groom them on how a fast pace indicates urgency and excitement, while a slower pace indicates the seriousness and importance of the topic to grab the audience’s attention.


You cannot undermine the power of the pause in public speaking. It is not a moment of nothing but a tool that, when strategically used, helps you connect better with the audience. It could be a sense pause, transition pause, dramatic pause, reflective pause, pause for effect, spontaneity pause, pause to relinquish control or pause for emphasis.

Silence and pauses at the right places lend a forceful and persuasive impact, giving the audience time to reflect and process what you say. We coach the children on how to pause and where to pause for optimum effectiveness.

A backbone of any speech, voice modulation encompasses the volume, pitch, tempo, expression, and cadence. A set of words in the same order can have different meanings. It breaks the monotony and reflects your feelings and emotions. Whether happy or sad, ecstatic or angry, your voice should be in sync and convey it all. In delightful ways that appeal to the children, we hone their voice modulation skills, majorly impacting speech delivery.
Another module of critical importance is body language. Your body speaks even when your mouth does not. So, though non-verbal, it is a powerful form of communication. Since this is more at a subconscious level, it takes a little more effort and time to master the nuances. The amount of information that body language can express is surprising. Facial expressions should be in tandem with the voice and emotion, whether happy, sad, disgruntled, or angry. The widening and shortening of eyes, movement of eyebrows, tilting of the head, shrugging of shoulders are all part and parcel of body language. Further, hand gestures are not just add-ons but a fundamental part of speech. We help children understand the difference between positive and negative body language and work on their body posture, gestures, and facial expressions, again, through fun activities.
Another critical component, strategic eye contact, builds rapport. It inspires powerful feelings of connection with the audience. Mere eye contact can transform passive listeners into active participants and transform your monologue into a dialogue of sorts where your audience speaks through gestures and expressions.

We train the children to segregate the audience column or row-wise and engage in eye contact with each section, leading the audience to feel like it is a one-on-one conversation and not a speech per se.

Using the space/podium optimally and moving around it is something that reflects confidence during a public speech. Like mindlessly pacing the stage gives away your anxiety and low self-confidence, restless standing in one place also does not bode well. We train the children on when they should move, how they should utilize the stage, and audience perceptions about their movement.
Props add a welcome dimension to public speeches, create interest, and add variety to the speech. It could be anything from a pen, chair, chart, pictures, some visual aids, or markers. We train the children in the art of prop handling on the stage, helping them grab the audience’s attention and focus.

A peek into the activities that make our munchkins so excited to attend our sessions:

Listening Skills

Listening comprehension is one of the essential skills not developed at the school level. More than just hearing what one speaks, good listening comprehension allows a child to understand what he hears, remember it, discuss about it, and even reproduce it in his own words. At ECCAN, we have various activities that enhance the listening skills of children because only good listeners can become good communicators. In an attention-deficit world, it is an invaluable skill.

Sharpen Your Memory

Good memory is a boon, and not everyone is blessed with one. Memory skills are important in the classroom and beyond. Like most other skills, you can sharpen this skill with practice. We use various exercises and activities to boost your child’s memory power. From encouraging questions and active learning, to playing memory games and breaking information into bite-sized chunks, we make the process exciting and enjoyable.

Impromptu Speaking Techniques

JAM sessions or Just A Minute sessions are also an integral part of our Online Public Speaking Classes for kids. These sessions not just improve the impromptu speaking skills of children but help them to be creative and put on their thinking caps. We conduct the JAM sessions in innovative and abstract ways, starting from a basic level and slowly increasing the complexity, where children get 10-15 seconds to think and then speak on topics. We guide them to structure the JAM sessions with an introduction, body, and closing, making them more meaningful. Clearing the just a minute rounds in interviews in the future will be a breeze, with your children mastering the art at such a young age.

At Every Child Can Achieve Now, we ignite young minds’ curiosity through many enjoyable language activities, which are essential layers of child development. Our online public speaking classes make learning fun and out of the box with role plays, imagination, and gamifying sessions to boost engagement and enthusiasm.

Experience the joy of seeing your children metamorphose into

Little Toastmasters,

with the Online Public Speaking Classes at ECCAN.

public speaking course

Key takeaways of the course:

It is impossible to quantify and number the benefits of the online public speaking classes for kids at ECCAN. In a nutshell, when you enroll your child for our online public speaking classes, your child will learn to:

  • Speak with clarity, confidence, and coherence, whether in a social or public place, and properly introduce themselves.
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • Collaborate and communicate effectively.
  • Overcome shyness and stage fright.
  • Learn the nuances of gestures, body language, and voice modulation.
  • Learn the art of crafting speeches.
  • Voluntarily participate in various activities like dramas, debates, and contests.
  • Embrace leadership roles and do not hesitate to take on more responsibilities.
  • Master listening skills and develop an overall impressive personality.
  • It brings about a tremendous impact on academics and overall development.

Why delay in taking the first step to help your child?

Frequently Asked Questions

For what age group is this program?
The online public speaking classes at ECCAN are for budding leaders (7-12) and dynamic teens (13-19).
Is the program available as a classroom option?
The course delivery is exclusively online so that you can access it from anywhere.
How to attend the online classes?
Once you sign up, you can download the online video conferencing software, Zoom. We will provide the link to join the online sessions via WhatsApp/Email.
How will I know about my child’s progress?

We provide constant feedback so you can track your child’s progress.

What if my child misses his class? Will you provide a recording?
The classes are personalized, so if, for some reason, the child is unable to attend the session, his learning journey continues from where he left off at the subsequent session. Recorded videos are not as effective as they lack interaction.
My child is slow to learn. Will he/she be able to finish the program within the stipulated time?
We understand that the learning pace of every child is different. Hence the learning at ECCAN is flexible, and the program ends only when the child has achieved the goal. It is only when each concept is well-cemented that we proceed onto the next concept.
I am from India. Can I take this course?

Ours, being an online course, children from any part of India and the rest of the world can access and be a part of it.